it’s nice to meet you

I’m Jen Dillender

photographers & adventurerers


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non orci faucibus, lobortis turpis a, gravida lectus. Mauris porta euismod diam, non ultricies nunc consequat non. Vivamus aliquam ornare dolor at accumsan. Maecenas urna purus, varius vitae sollicitudin nec, dapibus vel dolor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent et risus sem. Nam porta ex sapien, eget auctor sapien porta sed. Cras vel odio ornare sapien auctor scelerisque. Vestibulum diam lacus, aliquam mattis dui ac, bibendum cursus risus. Fusce imperdiet urna at elit scelerisque tempor. In at eros vitae neque lobortis eleifend. Curabitur eu odio nisl. Nunc semper sed quam sit amet placerat.


Our knowledge is a little island in a great
ocean of nonknowledge.

E.E. Cummings

our story:

the reason why

we do what we do


It all began with a kiss. The first time my dad saw my mom, he was so sure she was the one, he walked straight up to her and gave her a kiss. Was it forward? Yes. But it worked. It’s been 32 years and they’re still going strong. 

My parents have always been a beautiful example of love, intimacy and marriage. And when my mom got sick, it wasn’t home decor or baked goods that my dad brought to the hospital, it was photos. Photos remind us of the strength, courage and hope that reside in all of us the way few other things can.



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